Made by the vulcanized press with high quality silicone rubber and imitated sponge technique, it is a good performance of high temperature resistant, aging resistant, ozone .resistant, heat insulation, oil-resistant, lubes resistant, odorless and well-worn, High compressibility and low compression are regulated over a wide range of working temperatures, acoustics and thermal insulation properties. Apply for -60 C - + 200 C protect and heat insulation for long-term sustainable use, -70 C - + 260 C for intermittent use on all types of table boards.
Material: 100% virgin silicone rubber
Color: dark red
Surface: double impression fabric or double fine
Cell: close cell
Tensile strength: 100-200PSI
Violence: 10, 20, 30 + / A-5shore
Elongation: 100% density: 0.6-1.0g / cm3 Working temperature: -60 C - + 220 C (260 C moment) Thickness: 1-50mm
Width: 100cm
Adhesives: one side of general glue or 3M glue